Cass River Greenway is an effort by a group of local volunteers, assisted by professional resources and municipal leaders, working to enhance recreational opportunities and the environmental well-being of the Cass River Corridor with a focus on three goals: recreation, habitat and water quality.

The Cass River Greenway was formed with the goals to develop recreation opportunities on the Cass River and along its corridors, encourage preservation of wildlife habitat and critical natural lands, and to improve water quality of the Cass River
Every year, starting in 2008, the Cass River Greenway has partnered with a river community and has sponsored a river cleanup. By 2018, we have cleaned 43 miles of river, collecting hundreds of tires, car-truck-farm equipment parts, furniture, cans and bottles. Nearly the entire river from Cass City to Bridgeport has been cleaned.
A Cass River riverbank soil erosion survey and assessment was completed. A demonstration treatment project using conifer trees cut and secured to 275 feet of eroding riverbank was completed. Approximately 3000 feet of riverbank has now been secured with tree revetments.
The Cass River Greenway completed a successful demonstration project to treat phragmites. This was followed in subsequent years by partnering with the Saginaw and Tuscola County Road Commissions to locate and treat phragmites along roadsides near the Cass River Corridor. By 2018 there were 19 townships treated.
New canoe/kayak launches were installed in Tuscola Township and Heritage Park in Frankenmuth.
The first Annual Paddle & Swim event between Tuscola and Frankenmuth was held. Twelve swimmers and 25 kayaks/canoes participated in the event.
A two-year water quality monitoring project, funded by the Michigan DEQ, was completed. Nine water related elements were tested and the results summarized. The results indicated the overall water quality is “Good” and safe for recreational use.
The first Cass River Triathlon was held. Approximately 300 participated in the event.
The Michigan DEQ and Federal EPA approved the Cass River Watershed Management Plan.
The Caine Road Access launch was completed. The Tuscola County Road Commission and DNR Vassar State Game Area provided significant support.
Two additional launches were completed in 2016, the Davis Park launch in Bridgeport Township and the M-46 Bridge launch in Juniata Township.
Two additional launches were completed in 2017, the Downtown Vassar launch and the Hoffmann Community Park launch in Bridgeport Township. Also, the City of Saginaw agreed to designate the Wickes Park Boat Launch as the end point of the Cass River WaterTrail, resulting in 37.5 miles of watertrail.
Launched the Cass River Water Trail Website
A new organization, the Cass River WaterTrail Coalition, was formed specifically to improve and promote public use of the Water Trail.
The Cass River is one of four regional rivers chosen for a yearly release of 250 juvenile lake sturgeon in each river.
The second of two large log jams located downstream of Bridgeport’s Davis Park Launch was removed from the river.
Each year St. Lorenz Lutheran School participates in the MDNR Salmon in the Classroom program. The fifth grade class receives 100 chinook salmon eggs in November and cares for them until releasing them into the Cass River as fingerlings in April.
The Cass River Water Trail designated as a Pure Michigan® Water Trail.